Healing options
In my opinion ALL diseases and problems, be it physical, emotional, mental, psychic, spiritual or relationship problems, are the results of living in Separation of our Center, our Source.
The way this can expose itself is different on every level, that is because of our own individual history and journey through many of lives and experiences.
In every being there is a desire present for unity, fulfillment and connection. But there is also nostalgia for that, which we have lost. This is why it sometimes seems as if we are making the ‘wrong choices’ or choose the ‘wrong relationships’ that may cause us more pain and sorrow.
I find that we may be grateful for these lessons, because they show us our next phase that we can transform in order to come closer to the Wholeness/Unity.
My job in this, among other things, is to make people aware of the blockades, give insight in what the cause is and give guidance through healing, transformation, growth, integration of the Higher Self and returning to Unity, I Am Presence.
Together we can decide which form of healing is the most suitable for you at this moment in your spiritual process.
With all forms of healing you will get exercises and advise that can help you to work with it at home. These could be certain physical exercises, meditation exercises, mental training, affirmations, food/vitamin advise, color advise or exercises to make you more strong emotionally. In short, a transformation process is usually a very profound process, nevertheless I feel that it might also
In my opinion ALL diseases and problems, be it physical, emotional, mental, psychic, spiritual or relationship problems, are the results of living in Separation of our Center, our Source.
The way this can expose itself is different on every level, that is because of our own individual history and journey through many of lives and experiences.
In every being there is a desire present for unity, fulfillment and connection. But there is also nostalgia for that, which we have lost. This is why it sometimes seems as if we are making the ‘wrong choices’ or choose the ‘wrong relationships’ that may cause us more pain and sorrow.
I find that we may be grateful for these lessons, because they show us our next phase that we can transform in order to come closer to the Wholeness/Unity.
My job in this, among other things, is to make people aware of the blockades, give insight in what the cause is and give guidance through healing, transformation, growth, integration of the Higher Self and returning to Unity, I Am Presence.
Together we can decide which form of healing is the most suitable for you at this moment in your spiritual process.
With all forms of healing you will get exercises and advise that can help you to work with it at home. These could be certain physical exercises, meditation exercises, mental training, affirmations, food/vitamin advise, color advise or exercises to make you more strong emotionally. In short, a transformation process is usually a very profound process, nevertheless I feel that it might also
Aura - Chakra Healing
In aura-chakra healing we will work on all levels. (physical-etheric-emotional-mental-psychic-spiritual-karmic) of the aura and/or chakra’s, to transform the blockades that cause many problems/illnesses on these levels.
Like Birth trauma, childhood, past lives, soul aspects.
Removing entities. Working with sound.
· also possible on distance, through a photo
· 1 hour healing: 120 Euro
Karmic Acceleration Healings
This is healing specifically on the Karmic body to resolve different forms of karma. Karmic nuts, human ego-positions, karmic web.
Removing entities on all levels.
· also possible on distance, through a photo
· 1 hour healing: € 120
Combination healing
Combination Aura-Chakra healing and karmic acceleration:
In these types of healing we can work on timelines until 7 generations before you, DNA structures etc.
· also possible on distance, through a photo
· 1 hour healing: € 120
Multi - Dimensional Healings
In these healings I will work from other dimensions on your multidimensional Self. Then you can receive healing on other aspects of yourself and incarnationforms of yourself on other galaxies, dimensions. Timeline before, in between and after incarnation. Removing implants.
Lightbody activation (this is not the Crystal Lightbody, for more information see: activation Lemurian Crystal Lightbody
Activating codes (DNA/lightcodes/codes from the blueprint)
Sometimes I work with soundactivations. (I often work with my own multi-dimensional Self in these types of healing, but also with many Masters (healers) from these dimensions and other galaxies.
· also possible on distance, through a photo
· 1 hour healing: € 188
Earth -Cosmic Alingment
Crystal SKull Transmission
Aligning Earthly-Cosmic-Galactic connections
Re-activate, re-connect through initiations, in cooperation with the Crystal Skull and many Ascended Masters, in order to awaken your Cosmic memory and to let you RE-member your True Self and your connection with your I Am Presence, Divine Consciousness and total Unity.
Activating and integrating your Higher Light codes. Sacred Geometry, sometimes in cooperation with the language of the Light and/or Sound.
also possible on distance * works 6 months
per 1 hr. euro 188
live by zoom
Children-healing: Children of the New Earth, Indigo Children, but also
ADHD and related ’behaving disorders’ of children of all ages (there are now also adult Children of the New Earth).
· also possible on a distance
· 1 hour healing: € 120-
PregnancyHealing, when it is difficult to get pregnant, guidance during pregnancy, with birth.
also possible on a distance
1 hour healing: € 120-
( see also PregnancyReadings).
Healing on house, etc.
Healing on house, garden, business, practice:
after consulting together price for 1 hour from 120,- euro
Earth Healings , Sacred Ceremonies
Earth Healings, Sacred Ceremonies: For this you can invite me and the Crystal Skull to work with groups.
RelationshipHealings, how can you “heal” your relationship, understand each other better, support each other in your individual growing process, so you can have a Loving relationship based on equality, without emotional needs, dependencies towards each other. Sometimes both partners need to be present during the healing treatment, sometimes individually.
When it is individually the price for 1 hour is € 120,-
Both partners at the same time for 1 hour is € 160,-
On a distance through a photo on both partners for 1 hour is €120,-
Removing Entities
Removing (astral) entities, “implants”, “dark crystals”, “dark Masters”, etcetera
For this we need to do a Reading first, to see what it is, on what level it is, where it originated and what the connection is.
From aura’s and/or buildings price for 1 hour from € 180,-
CrystalHealing, with crystals on and around the body on many different energy levels, only possible in direct presence. When you are interested in this type of healing please contact me first.
1 hour on request
(If you bring a camera I can also take a picture of the crystals that are on and around your body)
How to make an appointment for a healing
- You name the e-mail “Healing request” and address it to [email protected]
- In the e-mail you write shortly and clear the kind of healing you want. If you are not sure what is best suitable for your current situation, write that in your e-mail so we can decide together what is best for you.
- Explain in your e-mail shortly your ‘problem situation’.
- When it is possible, please send a picture with your e-mail. If that is not possible then send your full name, first, middle and last name, date of birth and place of birth.